Pages Pond

Pages Pond
Pages Pond Waterfall circa 1976

Monday, July 11, 2016

Rainbow Monday on the Farmington River 7-11-16

Spent a couple of hours late AM  fishing the main stem of the Farmy. The first location was void of any other fishermen, so I geared up and headed to the head of this pool. Fish were rising sporadically and there were some BWO's, ISO's and small caddis rising. I initially started Euro nymphing and had no luck. I switched over to a sz. 14  BH Ausable Ugly , and landed several nice rainbows. Went back to nymphing using a sz. 16 Frenchie and landed another bow. I did have one brown come up three times to an ISO Compara Dun, but no take, just followed a short distance and melted right back into the bottom. Frustrating at times.

Moved down river, to a second location and and Euro- nymphed up two more solid hold over bows and missed another one.Nice cool over cast day to be out before the next heat wave!

A couple of several bows today.


  1. Pete you had a great outing.
    The second photo is awesome.
    The one thing missing is the BHPTSH

  2. Brk Trt
    Good One!! You can't see it but I was using a size 16 Eagan's Frenchie, a very close cousin to the BHPTSH!!! Was a solid Rainbow!!
