Pages Pond

Pages Pond
Pages Pond Waterfall circa 1976

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

It Has Been A While...

My last blog entry was on July 11, 2016. A combination of the long hot, humid summer, low water and high temps kept me off the rivers until today.
This morning after the rain had stopped I went on a recon mission to a local stream to see if any of the trout, stocked or wild had survived. When I arrived at the first location , the river was up a bit and with some stain in the water. I did not take a temp but the water was ice cold to the touch. The first stretch I fished using a Partridge and peacock soft hackle produced a very robust and well fed holdover rainbow that put up quite the battle. While in this area I spotted one fish rising in stretch I could not quite reach.
At the second location I landed a small wild brown on the same soft hackle. I continued downstream until I reached another area I know holds some wild browns and was rewarded with seeing two more swing and miss the soft hackle.
A good start to the fall, but we need much more rain.
I took no pictures today, just a quick exploratory mission.


  1. That's great Pete! I'm chomping at the bit for some fall wild browns on my home river too. Let's pray for the best!

    1. Rowan, Thank you
      Yes felt good to get out on the river for a while and even better was the fact I got a few! Here is to fall and more rain!!

  2. Pete, I don't know what you are peddling...soft-hackles don't they.

    Nice going buddy.

  3. Brk Trt
    Thank you
    Yes they do work very well, as you know. I am reading my original copy of The Soft Hackled Fly, published in 1975 by Sylvester Nemes!

    1. That book got me started on the soft hackles. If you look at the colored plate in the book you see some of the same patterns we are fishing today.

  4. Nice job Pete - good to hear some fish have weathered the summer drought

  5. Mark
    Thank you
    Yes it was also nice to get out and hopefully this weekend we will get some more rain to help refresh the rivers.

  6. We all leave our blogs probably longer than we should. The hot summer makes it hard to get out on the river.

  7. Ben Thank you
    It was very difficult here in Conn. due to the lack of rain also
