As we have in the past several years, the NYD Crew met late this morning on another wild brook trout stream in Connecticut. The crew includes, Mark, Kirk, Al (Brk Trt), John (Apache Trout), myself and this year we have a new addition RM Lytle.
After the usual pleasantries were exchanged we geared up and headed for the stream, which was flowing quite high from the recent snow and rain we had.
Each of us either hooked up and landed a brookie or had a LDR. The "pinkie" seemed to be the ticket for today for some of us.
Some photos above showing part of the "Crew" headed to the stream, a pic of the Master, Brk Trt working his magic and the first brookie of the year.
It was good to get out and see all the members of the "Crew" and welcome a new member to club.
The tradition continues.